مولا علی ع کی نگاہ میں مال، طاقت، تعریف اور جوانی کا نشہ

Imam Ali a.s. on various forms of dangerous intoxication

عن امام علی عليه السلام :

يَنبَغِي للعاقِلِ أن يَحتَرِسَ مِن سُكرِالمالِ ، وسُكرِ القُدرَةِ ، وسُكرِ العِلمِ ، وسُكرِ المَدحِ ، وسُكرِ الشَّبابِ ، فإنَّ لِكُلِّ ذلكَ رِياحا خَبيثةً تَسلُبُ العَقلَ وتَستَخِفُّ الوَقارَ.

امام على عليه السلام :

سزاوار است كه خردمند از مستى ثروت و مستى قدرت و مستى دانش و مستى ستايش و مستى جوانى پرهيز كند ؛ زيرا هر يك از اين مستيها بادهاى پليدى دارد كه عقل را مى ربايد و وقار را از بين مى برد.

عقلمند کو چاہیے کہ پیسے کے نشہ سے، طاقت کے نشہ سے، علم کے نشہ سے، تعریف کے نشہ سے اور جوانی کے نشہ سے ہوشیار رہے، کیونکہ ان سب میں بری ہوائیں ہیں جو عقل کو چھینتی ہیں اور عزت کو گھٹاتی ہیں۔

एक बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति को धन के नशे, शक्ति के नशे, ज्ञान के नशे, प्रशंसा के नशे और जवानी के नशे से सावधान रहना चाहिए, क्योंकि इन सभी में बुरी हवाएँ होती हैं जो बुद्धि को लूट लेती हैं और सम्मान को कम कर देती हैं।

A wise man must beware of the intoxication of wealth, the intoxication of power, the intoxication of knowledge, the intoxication of praise, and the intoxication of youth, for all these have evil winds which rob one of wisdom and diminish one’s honour.

غرر الحكم: 10948

Mohtaje Dua
Mirza Noorul Hasan

Charity Begins at Home

Friday Message 3rd May 2024

Imam al-Sadiq (AS) was Once Asked whether one should Give Charity to those who Beg at people’s Doors, OR whether to Withhold it from them and give it to one’s Poor Relatives instead,

To which he Replied, ‘No, rather one should Send it to a [Poor] Relative, for that Holds a Greater Reward.’

Thawab Al-A’maal, P. 171, No. 20


Certainly! The above hadith attributed to Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (AS) provides valuable guidance on the act of giving charity. Let’s break it down:

  1. The Dilemma: The question posed is whether one should give charity to beggars who come to people’s doors or withhold it from them and instead give it to poor relatives.
  2. The Response: Imam al-Sadiq (AS) advises that it is better to send charity to a poor relative rather than giving it directly to beggars. The reasoning behind this lies in the greater reward associated with helping one’s own family.
  3. The Wisdom:
    • Prioritizing Relatives: By prioritizing relatives, we reinforce family bonds and fulfil our duty toward kinship ties. Islam places great emphasis on supporting family members.
    • Spiritual Reward: The act of giving charity to relatives holds a higher spiritual reward. It reflects compassion, empathy, and a sense of responsibility within the family unit.
    • Balancing Compassion: While helping beggars is commendable, Imam al-Sadiq (AS) highlights the importance of balancing compassion. Supporting relatives ensures both material assistance and emotional well-being.

In summary, this teaching encourages us to consider our relatives’ needs when giving charity, recognizing that doing so carries a special reward in the eyes of Allah.